WRE, 8th round of ECTO – TempO
PreO sprint and relay
Slovak TempO, PreO sprint and Relay championships
Organizing team:
Slovak Orienteering Association, ŠK Farmaceut Bratislava
Sunday, September 8th 2024
TempO: EO (Open) and EJ (Junior)
PreO Sprint: EO (Open) and EJ (Junior)
Relay: EO (Open)
TempO: EO – 20€ and EJ – 10€ – link to entries
PreO Sprint: EO – 10€, EJ – 5€ – link to entries
PreO Sprint – training: ET (training) – only first PreO sprint part (read more info about distances) – no fees – link to entries
Relay: EO – no fees (entries are the same as for PreO sprint), please add information about name of relay team in PreO sprint entries (same name for three competitors) – link to entries
Deadline for entries:
September 1st 2024
by bank transfer or by cash in event centre in day of competition
Account name: TJ Slávia Farmaceut
Bank: Slovenska Sporitelna
IBAN: SK2709000000005110562760, BIC: GIBASKBX
Competition centre and embargoed area:
Chtelnica (link to map)
GPS coordinates: 48.616496213, 17.579792629
Parking is free of charge, please follow instruction of the organizers.
Scale 1:2000 (enlarged from 1:4000), E = 2m, ISSprOM 2019-2, Mapped by Dušan Furucz in July 2024, waterproof
We decided for better readability and avoiding any ambiguities in terrain interpretation to use scale 1:2000 (changed compared to previous version of the bulletin).
PreO sprint:
Chtelnické skalky 1 and 2, scale 1:3000 (enlarged from 1:4000), E = 2m, ISSprOM 2019-2,
Mapped by Dušan Furucz in July 2024, waterproof (Pretex)
PreO sprint will have additional enlarged maps in scale 1:1500 for better readability
Previous map:
Very old orienteering map – https://www.orienteering.sk/maps-new/jpg-gif/218.jpg
Laser scan:
Event Centre – TempO start: 600m, 35m
TempO course: 500m, 5m
TempO finish – PreO Sprint part 1 start: 20m, 3m
PreO Sprint part 1: 50m, 0m
PreO Sprint part 1 finish – PreO Sprint part 2 start: 1450m, 20m
PreO sprint part 2: 50m, 0m
PreO Sprint part 2 finish – Event Centre: 1600m, 30m
Together: 4220m, 90m
It is possible decrease distance by skipping PreO Sprint part 2 (competitors will not pay fee for PreO Sprint when they decide only take PreO Sprint part 1): 2200m, 50m, but PreO Sprint part 2 is very nice old quarry area, similar terrain as relay of WTOC 2025.
TempO: 9 stations, 5 tasks at each one, course length is 500 m. The flags from neighbouring stations should not be visible, but in same cases we will use red/white stripes to split competition areas to avoid any ambiguities. Double flags will be used on the first station, for better visibility. The last station is oriented towards the start of the first part of the PreO sprint. For this reason, it will be possible to see the waiting competitors in the distance. It has no effect on solving tasks and start of competition at this station.
PreO Sprint: 20 controls with free order in part and one ways, course length is 100 m and will be divided into 2 parts. There are together two one ways (one in first part and one in second part of PreO Sprint) splitting each section to two parts marked in terrain by red/white stripes an marked on map and in control description too.
1st part- A5 format, one course in 2 maps (3000, 1500) on one paper, 50m, 9 controls (5 + one way + 4)
2nd part – A5 format with using both sides, two courses in 2+2 maps (3000, 1500) on one paper on both sides, 50m, 11 controls (5 + one way and turning map + 6)
Time limit: 23 minutes for all (final time will be recalculate for P competitors by PreO sprint rules. 0,7 x used time for manual wheelchairs and 0,85 x used time for others P competitors)
Note: The one-way element was used only for the reason that some controls will be solved from a greater distance and it should be a little more difficult to solve them 🙂 All controls can be fairly solved from the proposed part. We do not use any tricks that the control could only be solved before the one-way. Of course, you can use the map in the next part too and check controls before the one-way.

After the end of the 1st part of the PreO sprint, while moving through the Tempo area, respect the instructions of the marshals.
Relay: PreO sprint as PreO part, first three TempO stations from WRE competition as TempO part. The results will be finally virtually summarized.
Start list:
Start list will be published after entries deadline on IOF Eventor competition page.
Please take into account the distance and elevation to the start, as we will try to adhere to the start list. If you miss your start, you will have to start later when a starting slot will be available.
If you have special requirements for the start, please contact us (see the note about the assistants too).
Recording system:
TempO: The ANT system will be used at TempO stations.
PreO Sprint: The ToePunch system will be used. You will get ToePunch chips at the competition centre upon registration. You have to use control description fields (last 2 columns) on the map in case of a ToePunch unit failure.
Number bibs: The bibs will be used in TempO and PreO Sprint competitions. Number bibs are shared with hungarian competition. You will not be able to start without your start bib. Wear them in a visible place on the front of your body. Please, bring your safety pins.
Terrain description:
A typical Little Carpathians prominent rocky ridge in some karst areas. Territory largely covered by deciduous forests with beech, common ash, sycamore maple and linden. Terrain is 250 – 350m above sea level.

Mapping – sighting lines:
We have checked the majority of sighting lines between objects, but you need to take into consideration the fact that due to a lot of objects in small areas, it was sometimes necessary to maintain correct relative positions of objects, so it is not always possible to keep the exact position of objects due to the ISSprOM requirement on minimum gaps and
dimensions. The technique to identify two or more reference points on the map that line up with a feature on the map is not a recommended method for finding the right answer and
will not be accepted in any complaints.
Time control procedure:
Loose maps will be prepared at the time control stations. If you rather use bounded maps or point the answers, inform the marshal at each time control station during your identification.
Electronic devices:
The use of other electronic devices is strictly prohibited during the competition according to IOF rule 21.5: “All devices that can transmit or receive information, including positional information, are prohibited in the quarantine and competition area. Equipment provided by the organiser is allowed.”
Please for understanding, mobile signal coverage on the course is very weak, but necessary for online results.
Mobile toilets are in event centre. There will be one emergency toilet close to TempO start (tent with pit toilet and chair).
Will be available at the registration desk after the last competitor finishes the race and in digital form at the website after competition.
Athletes who need help during the competitions have to bring their own helper. Highly recommended, especially for moving from the event centre to the competition area. You can see current situation in information for wheelchairs.
If the assistant is competitor too, please inform us so that we can prepare the start list, as it is necessary for the assistant to start first of the pair of competitors. Thank you for understanding.
Result system:
Mobile internet is practically non-existent in the event center. You can watch the results on our monitors, as we plan using satellite technology.
We will test a new style of publishing results, not only a refresh style but with ajax technology showing result after each punching in PreO Sprint and each TempO answer. The follow IOF rules and due missing quarantine the results will be probable only in blind format for competitors (until last competitor starts), but organizers will see full results online.
Prizes and ceremony:
The first three competitors (teams) in TempO (WRE = EO+EJ, EJ) PreO sprint (EO, EJ) and Relay (EO) competitions will be awarded by practical prizes. The first three competitors registered in Slovak orienteering association will obtain medals in Slovak championships. All ceremonies will be scheduled as soon as possible after competitions.
Zero tolerance:
4m without exceptions
Fair play:
Please keep fair play.
John Kewley, Libor Forst, Krystian Petersburski
Event manager:
Hana Šmelíková
Course setters:
Ján Furucz, Dušan Furucz
IOF Event Advisor:
Dušan Furucz
Ján Furucz, janfurucz@gmail.com
Dušan Furucz, furuczd@gmail.com, +421 908 226250
All competitors take part voluntarily and on their own responsibility, without any claim in case of injury during or because of this competition later on.
We look forward to your participation.