Second advisory visit

The second advisors visit one year before WTOC 2005 was planned on the second September weekend. The forecast for these days was not very favorable for us. Raining, raining and a lot of rain. It was probably the worst weather for central Europe in the last decade, Especially Czechia, Austria and Poland suffered by massive floods. You can find one from of many others reportage about this topic for example on BBC pages

Fortunately for us Slovakia and Hungary were only on the border of this strong storm with the name Boris so we could spend four days in rain and wind with changing intensity. The disaster situation was mainly on the westside of Small Carpatian and river Danube had critical level height in both our countries.

The checking of courses was very difficult due these conditions and some of the flags were not put on their planned places due to dangerous situations in terrain. Sometimes we had to improvise with program and course checking, but we finally survived and the majority of courses were properly checked.

You will be surprised that some photos below from the terrain and surroundings will be totally different during WTOC.

You can expect the publishing of Bulletin 2 in the beginning of October 2024.