ABOUT TrailO Trainer version 1.0.9

TrailO trainer is a small project of a "former" TrailO specialist who wants to pass on as much of his experience as possible to his son and TrailO friends. And what is holding me back the most in this endeavor? It is relatively difficult to prepare serious trainings, from preparation in the terrain to the creation of training maps, not to mention the training itself with several trainees. And since I'm lazy by nature, I decided to try to automate these activities. And everyone who knows me at least a little bit knows that I like to share everything with others. So why not help in a joint effort to train more, which is the basic problem of our sport.

WWW pages are the primary place for configuration, viewing, presentation results and solutions of trainings.

It is an Android application that fully replaces everything a competitor needs during training. The application replaces maps with tasks. It is a tool for recording answers and processing training results. And after the training, solutions to the tasks are immediately available to clarify the training.

The trainer has two options for defining trainings. One option is to use a web application, but a permanent connection to the Internet is required, which may not be ideal for direct use in the terrain. The Android application allows you to create trainings even without the need for an internet connection. The Internet is only needed for synchronization with the server, so that training competitors can also use the training.

Android application is under development ...

For greater variety of trainings, I am also developing an application that simulates a flag in the terrain. Mobile devices are attached to the stands that simulate flags. With the help of these devices, it is possible to train e.g. counting letters, it is possible to have a greater variety of tasks, since we are not limited to 6 flags, but there can be more and they are used as needed.

Android application is under development ...

The project is and always will be free to use. If it helps just a few trail orienteers to improve, I will be very happy. I'll just ask for your understanding and tolerance, I like to do it, but sometimes I will have less time for it and so on.

Type Version Description Date
WWW 1.0.9 A new way to georeference a map. You can use a .pgw file if you know the EPSG code for your coordinate system. Thanks to Evgeniy for code. 2024/12/21
WWW 1.0.8 When working with stations, points and parts, the mass locking, unlocking and deleting (except for points) functions have been added. 2024/11/30
WWW 1.0.7 Fixed a bug where it was possible to move flags and zeros on the map in part of station. Fixed bug, when viewing the list of maps from training, the option to create a new map was not accessible. In the configuration of parts of the stations, the definition of the correct answers was moved under the map, it seems more ergonomic. The possibility of copying parts of stations has been added. It is convenient if you want to create several parts at one station and copy the definition of the flags positions. 2024/11/21
WWW 1.0.6 Problem with some descriptions (invisible) in Mozilla Firefox was solved (It is a bug in this browser but I made some workaround). Thanks to Jasminka for the information about this bug. 2024/11/18
APP 1.0.6 Fix a small bug where solutions were not displayed when filling parts of stations with X answers (for flag builders). 2024/11/17
WWW 1.0.5 Problem with changing (reseting) password was solved. Thanks to Evgeniy for the information about the error. 2024/11/17
APP 1.0.5 A function to clear all parts of stations has been added to the popmenu in the parts of stations list, and functions have been added to fill the results with the X answers of the current part of station or all parts of stations. It is advantageous if we want to quickly get to the solutions of parts of the stations, which is advantageous e.g. for the flags setter. 2024/11/15
APP 1.0.4 An error was fixed when the PREO type on the part of station was used. 2024/11/14
WWW 1.0.4 An error was fixed when inserting the PREO part of the station. The behavior of inserting or editing parts of stations has been modified. A model training called "Sample training" was prepared, where two stations are prepared in training. The first station has two parts (TempO and TC) configured. The second station has one part (PreO) configured. I'm working on documentation. 2024/11/14
APP 1.0.3 Fixed a minor error when resending results to the server. The application has been extended to use the training status. The documentation for the android application has been completed. 2024/11/12
WWW 1.0.3 The server has been extended to use the training status for application. I'm working on documentation. 2024/11/12
APP 1.0.2 In PreO type of part of training I added button A to right side too for use with both hands. I'm working on documentation. 2024/11/11
WWW 1.0.2 Tooltips have been added to most functions (icons and links) in lists. I'm working on documentation. 2024/11/09
WWW 1.0.1 First public version of WWW part. 2024/11/07
APP 1.0.1 First public version of app for competitors. 2024/11/07

If you have any comments, problems, suggestions for improvement, or if you like my project, please let me know by email janfurucz@gmail.com

Ján Furucz